Ciausoiu wine shop

Wines from Romania and Moldova

Ciausoiu Vinothek

Oprisor-Romanian Winery


The stories usually begin with "Once upon a time...". This "once" has a documentary side for Crama Oprișor, but also a thoughtful note. A look back is not just a look over the shoulder, but a proud step back in time to reveal to people the foundation on which we build concepts and values. Among the first written mentions of the places where the Oprișor Winery is located, in relation to the wealth of the land favorable for the cultivation of the vineyard and the production of quality wines, we discover the writings of IC Filitti. Mention of the Oltenian estates of Valea Drincei since the 15th century as the property of the Oltenian boyars (among them Neagoe Strahaianul) is continued after 1688 by Constantin Brâncoveanu's preoccupation with the lands in the area, known for the production of They come in the best Quality.

"Brâncoveanu's desire to continue the legacy of his descendants over the vast estates that brought him fabulous incomes made him, on 13 belonged to the villages of the Drince Valley." (Ion Danilescu, Monograph of the Village of Drincea, Alma Publishing House, Galați , 2001)Bridge Across Time, another kind of “boyars”, makes visible the special potential of the Oprișor area to reveal its peculiarity and wealth that God naturally laid over Oltenia. The investment of the German company Reh Kendermann on the left bank of the Drince Valley, on the remains of a winery built in the 70s, was the new beginning of the identity. The company has its origins in the history of the Carl Reh family, who built the first winery in Leiwen an der Mosel (SV Germany) in the 1920s, one of the largest and most modern of its time. In the 1990s, Reh Kendermann became Germany's most renowned wine exporter. The Carl Reh Trading Company was established in Romania in August 1994, with the specific purpose of selecting Romanian wines for the international market, and in June 1997 the department was established in Oprișor, with the decision to produce their own grape wines from existing plantations Mehedinți Oltenian Vineyards.

In 1998 Carl Reh Trading became Carl Reh Winery and continues under this name as a Romanian wine producer for the international market, which was built up by the German shareholder. As a milestone, Carl Reh Winery became the owner of Oprișor Winery in January 2000. Step by step, the hills and slopes that form the wine-growing “amphitheater” of the Drincei Gorge have been replanted with vines over an area of 250 hectares. After the years when all the wine produced in Oprișor was aimed exclusively at international consumers , we decided to open up to the Romanian area. In the spring of 2001, the Carl Reh Winery introduced the first editions of the VAL DUNA and LA CETATE brands to the domestic market. The year 2008 brought an important change of identity. As the reputation of the Carl Reh winery grew, it was time for the CRAMA OPRIȘOR brand to take on the legacy and develop it further in the sense of the father-son relationship and especially develop towards the values of Oltenia Profunde.


We are used to seeing the present term as a moment. At Oprișor we try every moment to give people a part of the local soul. Just as we have been blessed with the riches of the earth, the grace of the locals has returned, turning the fruits of the vineyards into wines with personality. The quality of the grapes that we grow on the hills of Oprișor, together with the skill of those who take care of the must and the wine, contribute greatly to the identity of our winery.

At every moment it is essential for us to carve and refine the two great directions that we have developed: Deep Oltenia and Art and Wine. For each of them is actually a continuous presence.

The traditions, customs and beliefs of Deep Oltenia are nothing but daily fresh breaths of some values that surprise each time with their originality and power.

The values we are trying to bring to light can only live in a presence that the people our wine reaches can taste, recognize and appreciate.

The preciousness of the art and wine concept represents the continuous discovery of different forms of creativity and their improvement through limited editions, collectibles that transcend the boundaries of time.

We constantly strive to promote cultural performances and therefore we constantly build partnerships with leading institutions of national culture such as the National Museum of Contemporary Art, the National University of Arts in Bucharest, the Sibiu International Theater Festival, etc.

Wine is always a source of inspiration, it arouses emotions, makes friends, accompanies life with its good and bad sides. We live every moment intensively and try to share it with the world.

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